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25 Email Marketing Tips That Boost Your Online Engagement

Reading Time: 5 minutes

This article was last updated on June 7, 2021

If you don’t consider email marketing to be an important part of your strategy, you are definitely missing a lot of opportunities. Creating an email list and marketing your products/services through it is probably the best thing you can do for your company’s growth. Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools out there.

Nowadays, social media is in a constant expansion, making us think that email marketing might vanish at some point. We consider the communication through email to be old, but that’s far from the truth. Especially now when everybody chats’ via social media, the only private, so to say space to have a conversation is the email.

If we manage to use this marketing channel successfully, it can become our primary sales generator. Everything revolves around your skills and abilities to create persuasive emails. Hitting the right spot with your audience is your primary objective. If you wish to improve this skill, look no further.

In the following article, we are sharing 25 email marketing tips that will definitely help you boost your online engagement.

1. Make Sure You Have a Plan

You should know by now that nothing works properly in life or in business without a well-thought-out plan.

2. Focus on a Single Action

When you are using email marketing techniques, make sure to focus on a single topic/action.

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3. Automate It

The purpose of all tools and data is to help you create a campaign and repeat it after -automatically.

4. Make Everything Personal

It’s important for your audience to feel that you care about them. A good idea might be to make each email personalized for each of your subscribers.

5. Keep Your Content Valuable and Unique

Having a unique and valuable content will make it easier for your company to build long-lasting relationships.

6. Make Sure to Use the Native Language of Your Target Audience

If you wish to create a strong relationship with your audience, talking with them in their native language will do just that, and it may be extremely profitable for your business.

7. Focus on Mobile Users

Most of your subscribers will be reading your emails using a smartphone or a tablet, so make sure to optimize your emails so they can be read on mobile smart devices.

8. Use Images and Videos

In order to create a greater impact, you should use images and videos in your emails. By a greater impact, I mean that your email will be more convincing.

9. Make Sure Your Subject-Line is Interesting

Your subject line might be the most important part of your email – if it’s catchy enough, your email will be opened.

10. Knowing How to Get Passed Spam Filters is Vital

If your emails do not arrive at the right place, no one will be able to read them. So, it’s extremely important to learn how to avoid spam filters.

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11. Use Surveys

If you wish to receive valuable feedback from your email list, make sure to send them surveys. SurveyMonkey is one of those tools which will prove to be helpful. You can create personalized surveys in a matter of seconds and enjoy a great feedback loop. Asking the right questions might be difficult, so ask your subscribers about their preferences concerning the type of content they want to receive from you.

12. Create Calls to Action

Calls to action that are embedded in your emails are vital to your campaign because they are the doorway to your sales funnel.

13. Segment Your List

The messages you are sending should be different for each category of customers. For example, new clients, loyal customers, and cart abandoners.

14. Welcome Your New Subscribers with an Email

Creating a welcome email it’s like greeting someone when he comes into your house. The proper time to send an email like this is immediately after someone signs up.

15. Send Relevant Emails

It’s better not to send an email if you have nothing important to say which at the same time is relevant to your target audience. So, if you wish for a long-term relation with your subscribers, send only relevant content.

16. Email is Awesome for Discounts and Promotion

Remember to keep a list of all past and new clients. You may use it to promote your products or offer them one-time discounts.

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17. Always Be Specific

If you are sending a generic email, it’s a low possibility that someone will take action. Be specific about the benefits of your products!

18. Use the Cart Abandonment Emails

Did you know that 70% of users abandon their cart before finalizing their sale? Make sure to send them an email, asking them what went wrong. Take an interest into them and they will come back.

19. Ask for the Email Address as Soon as Possible

Waiting until checkout to ask for an email is in fact a smart move. Most people don’t want to buy anything yet, but they will give their email for a preview or a free e-book.

20. Resend Unopened Emails

You can see when your subscribers didn’t open their emails. So, target only those who didn’t and send it again. Most people don’t see it or just forget about it.

21. Schedule You Emails

You should research when your subscribers are the most active and send your emails at that exact time.

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22. Be Careful at Words That Trigger Spam Filters

It’s important to learn how to avoid those kinds of words and phrases that might trigger a spam filter.

23. Create Consistency

Try to accustom your subscribers to a fun and interesting way of presenting your offers through the emails.

24. Ask for Reviews

You may ask your subscribers to leave a review for each product or service they buy from you.

25. Deliver Regular Content

For example,pick a day, let’s say Monday. Every Monday make sure to send your newsletter. This practice is important because your audience, being accustomed toit, will wait for your email.


As you can see, email marketing is an exceptional way of growing and expanding your business. All these tips presented here, may turn your business around. But, this is only going to happen if they are practiced and optimized consistently. So, what are you waiting for?

About the author:

Chris Richardson is a journalist, editor, and a blogger. He loves to write, learn new things, and meet new outgoing people. Chris is also fond of traveling, sports, and playing the guitar. He is also a part-time contributor to Essay Geeks. Follow him on Facebook and Google+.