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6 Benefits of Opt-In Email Marketing

Reading Time: 5 minutes

If your company doesn’t have an email marketing campaign, you’re already leagues behind your competitors. A strategic email marketing campaign is the key to growing a successful business in 2021. It is a direct line of communication with current clients and a great way to reel in new customers. However, before you begin crafting your next email marketing campaign, it is crucial to consider opt-in email marketing and how it can be beneficial to your process.



1. What is Opt-In Email Marketing?

You might ask, what is opt-in email marketing? In simplistic terms, opt-in email marketing is asking for a potential customer’s email address before adding them to your email list. Adopting this as a practice helps you avoid sending your customers unsolicited emails. And in 2021, sending so much as one unsolicited email can derail your client’s perception of your company, resulting in you missing out on the potential revenue you could have generated from the potential client. So, do you want to ensure that your company earns the highest ROI possible? Then growing your opt-in email list at the beginning of your email marketing campaign is the way to go.


2. It’s Cost-Effective

It may not seem like it, but the strategy you use in your company’s email marketing campaigns is just as important as the amount of time you invest in growing your opt-in email list. This simplistic practice of building a customer email list to connect with customers is shockingly inexpensive. Plus, requesting their permission to keep the lines of communication open brings you endless chances to let them know about your products and services that are beneficial to them. The low cost of asking for permission is sure to yield a high return on your investment.


3. It Improves Communication

Being able to communicate with your customers effectively is instrumental in establishing relationships and growing your subscriber list. Another benefit of investing in opt-in email marketing is that it can ensure that the ideal customers you communicate with are genuinely interested in your product or service. When opt-in email marketing is used correctly, any potential customer that confirms their interest in your brand is twice as likely to purchase something from your business. Not only does this boost your profits, but it also keeps you from getting reported as spam, which we’ll touch on in the next point.


4. You Avoid Getting Labeled as Spam

One of an email marketer’s most significant challenges is staying out of the spam folder. Unfortunately, what makes it so challenging to avoid is that it’s easy to earn yourself a spot there, whether it’s using “spammy” words or sending a lone unsolicited email. Remember, people receive at least 100 emails a day, and if consumers aren’t familiar with the sender, the email can get deleted, or worse, marked as spam, and your hard work goes down the drain. This is why it is crucial for potential customers to opt-in to your email list.

One client marking your email as spam may not seem like a big deal, but if you are not using an opt-in email marketing approach, the number of recipients who mark your email as spam can start to add up. Soon, your every outreach will get flagged as spam, and you’ll need to start from square one with your marketing campaign. This would indeed cause the return on your investment to plummet, which translates to wasted time, energy, and money.

For companies just starting, this could be detrimental to the empire you’re attempting to build. Suppose you haven’t yet taken the initiative to adopt this practice. In that case, we highly recommend sending out an email asking your current email list to opt-in to your communication so there’s no confusion about where you stand.

When you send out an opt-in email marketing campaign, it earns trust and respect from your subscriber list, creating loyal customers. First impressions are everything, and by asking for a potential customer’s permission at the beginning of your relationship with them, you’re starting on the right foot.


5. Single Opt-in and Double Opt-in Email Marketing

When most companies start using opt-in email marketing, they often choose a single opt-in email list. Unlike double opt-in email marketing, which requires two emails to confirm interest, single opt-in email marketing only needs customers to confirm their email address one time. Industry experts discovered that single opt-in email lists allow companies to grow their email lists 30% faster than those who use double opt-in email lists.

However, companies are becoming more cautious when it comes to complying with the laws surrounding personal data. As a result, many business owners consider it safer to use a double opt-in email list. The most significant con of using a double opt-in email list is that you may miss out on customers who don’t bother to open the second email. Furthermore, many customers change their minds by the time they receive the second email, or they may simply forget about your emails altogether. The beauty of opt-in email marketing is that it allows you to choose which approach is best for your readers.


6. Your Email List Can Customize Their Experience

Another excellent tool to help you get to know your customers better when crafting your opt-in email marketing campaign is implementing a preference center. Preference centers essentially give subscribers the option to opt-in to the frequency of content they’d like to receive or the type of content they want in their inboxes. For example, you can give readers the option to receive an email once a week or receive email updates every day.

This is an excellent way to ensure that your customers control their experience and allow you to build marketing channels based on which customers are most interested in your content. Once customers have confirmed their preferences, your company will be able to focus its time and resources on clients who are most likely to purchase your products or services.



As you can see, there are many benefits to adopting opt-in email marketing practices. By simply asking for permission to send emails, you can boost engagement, grow your email list, and ultimately increase conversions. We hope that our list of benefits inspires you to leverage the power of opt-in email marketing,

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