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The MailBakery Blog

4 Things You Didn’t Know Email Marketing Automation Could Do for You

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhile there are many different elements of a successful email campaign, email marketing automation is arguably one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Leveraging the power of email automation allows you to deepen your customer relationships and drive sales while helping your brand stay relevant. But what is email marketing…


8 Automated Email Marketing Messages You Should Be Using

Reading Time: 7 minutesEmail marketing is the favorite marketing strategy among consumers and companies alike, but did you know the power and reach of your email marketing campaigns grow when you incorporate automation into your strategy? More powerful than sending out emails manually, that’s for sure. Just imagine how time-consuming it would be for your…


3 Automated Emails To Boost Your Conversion Rate in 2017

Reading Time: 6 minutesEmail automation is an effective way to engage with your shoppers, but which emails will actually increase your eCommerce conversion rate? Here are 3 automated campaigns you can use to generate more revenue for your online business in 2017. Email consistently stands out as one of most effective marketing channels you can…