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The MailBakery Blog

4 Things You Didn’t Know Email Marketing Automation Could Do for You

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhile there are many different elements of a successful email campaign, email marketing automation is arguably one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. Leveraging the power of email automation allows you to deepen your customer relationships and drive sales while helping your brand stay relevant. But what is email marketing…


7 Ecommerce Email Marketing Tips for Growing Your Business

Reading Time: 6 minutesIt may come as no surprise that email is one of the most powerful channels you can leverage. And this fact has never been truer as many companies shift their business online in response to the global pandemic. Not only is email marketing an excellent tool for communicating with customers and engaging…


How to Use Dark Mode to Create Successful Emails

Reading Time: 5 minutesDark mode. It’s one of those buzzwords that popped up overnight. From beloved apps like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to settings on mobile and computer operating systems; it’s everywhere! And dark mode is taking over our inboxes, too. You may have heard the term but are unsure what it is. Simply put,…

2020 Email Marketing Strategies_ What Changes

2020 Email Marketing Strategies: What Changes?

Reading Time: 5 minutesDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have had to change their marketing strategy. 2020 Email marketing strategies that were created at the beginning of 2020 have been tossed in the trash or put on the back burner, and marketing professionals are back at the drawing board. The chaos of the pandemic has…


Best Practices On Automating Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Reading Time: 5 minutesEmail marketing remains one of the most effective channels for your business today. As email marketing continues to become more and more popular, it continues to evolve. Marketers are beginning to add to their email marketing strategy. In addition to newsletters and campaigns, companies are now beginning to set up automatic email…


Email List Segmentation Best Practices For High Open Rate

Reading Time: 5 minutesWant to learn more about email list segmentation best practices? In today’s post we will show what criteria to apply when segmenting your audience database in order create more effective marketing campaigns. When we speak of email marketing, sending generic emails to everyone on your email database may not only lower your chances of conversions but may even…