Baking email templates since 2008

The MailBakery Blog

25 Ways to Strengthen Your Email Campaigns Using Images

Reading Time: 4 minutes The effective use of images in email marketing is very important. Images compliment our messages, they grab reader’s attention, explain ideas quicker and even help with sales. Images can be used and should be used in all our marketing emails. They inspire the reader, create emotions and fulfil appetites. To show the multitude of situations…


What’s The Best Email Template Height

Reading Time: 4 minutes When designing email templates, we usually make them a bit over 3000 pixels. Some clients add few more sections to our designs, others take a section or two out. It’s clear that email template height is different for every campaign, but it’s important to know which are the factors that determine this. 1….

10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Email Marketing

10 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Email Marketing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Artificial Intelligence is part of our everyday life and we constantly hear stories about its application: Apple’s personal assistant Siri, the learning thermostat Next, Tesla’s self-driving car technology, Google’s RankBrain, Amazon’s purchase prediction AI, etc. As email marketing evolves it’s only a matter of time before machine-learning-powered solutions take over human tasks like:…


20 Tips and Email Examples for Re-engagement Email Campaigns

Reading Time: 4 minutes Re-engagement email campaigns target clients who registered with you, used your services and bought your products, but who’ve been pretty quiet for a while. Re-engaging clients with your brand is something you could easily do with email. To spark your motivation and to make the process of win-back email creation easier, we paired our…

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Winning Email Marketing Combination – Personalization & Triggered Campaigns

Reading Time: 3 minutes With the increasing amount of emails we get everyday and dwindling open rates, many email marketers complain that email marketing is loosing its strength and that its best days are over. However, if you look into email marketing performance statistics they’ll show you just the opposite. Email is still on top of…

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40 Email Template Sections To Inspire Your Future Designs

Reading Time: 5 minutes Designing your email template might be a daunting task, especially if you are new to email marketing. More often than not, you are caught in a process of constant iterations and spend long hours working on an email design that should have been already completed… last week. Now, to save you time and make…

23 Tips on Writing Email Subject Line Masterpiece_Header

23 Tips on Writing Email Subject Line Masterpiece

Reading Time: 5 minutes We love to say “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but what about emails? In email marketing a third of your subscribers will open your emails based only on your subject lines. So, spend a little extra time on your subject lines, to make sure that they wont be the reason…

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A/B Testing Improves Your Email Marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutes A/B testing allows you to test two different versions of an email, pick up the one that performs better and send it to the rest of your recipient list. It will show you how small changes may make big difference for your email campaigns. A/B testing is a great way of improving…

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How To Measure Email Marketing Success

Reading Time: 4 minutes Email marketing is easy to track and measure. Most email marketing platforms offer a host of data that will help you gauge the efficiency of your email campaigns. Your task is to find those metrics that suit best your email marketing goals and to keep an eye on them. In this post…

26 Tips To Avoid Spam Filters and Increase Email Deliverability Header

26 Tips To Avoid Spam Filters and Increase Email Deliverability

Reading Time: 6 minutes As an email marketing manager one of your main tasks is to ensure that your emails are going to reach clients’ inboxes. If they are landing in the spam box, there is a great chance that they won’t be read at all. Spam filters are getting smarter and more sophisticated and you have to…